4pm to 6pm
All Levels
6pm to 8pm
3.5+ players
4pm to 6pm
3.5+ players
6pm to 8pm
All Levels
8am to 10am
All Levels
* thursday:
5:30-8:30 Advanced 4.0+ (by invitation only - contact info@humcsports.org)
We currently have FOUR pickleball open gym opportunities each week with various skill levels.
COMMUNITY OVER COMPETITION: Open Gym is a time to have fun while playing some good pickleball! We cap the number of participants in each session so wait time is minimal. Relationships are fostered under HUMC's roof while still playing high-quality pickleball on 3 indoor courts.
To attend an Open Gym, you must pre-register!
Registrations for open gyms stay live until the end of the week. On Fridays, there is a NEW registration link for the following week's open gyms. Sigh up for open gym by using the registration button below.
Additionally, we send out a weekly email with the new link; join our mailing list to get these notices.
**Link will go live when Open Gym Registration is opened each week.